Famous Arbuthnot(t)s |
The plan here is to provide a few notes about prominent Arbuthnot(t)s
from times past and present,
although a larger list is being created of Arbuthnots who have been prominent in their occupations.
This page is under construction.
1. Sir Alexander John Arbuthnot, KCSI, CIE (1822-1907) Table I
2. Alexander
Arbuthnot, Poet (1538 - 10 October 2023). See below.
3. Rt Hon Charles Arbuthnot, MP - Diplomat (1767 - 1850). Table I
4. Rt Hon James
Norwich Arbuthnot, Sometime Opposition Chief Whip (1952- ). Table L.
5. Dr John Arbuthnot,
physician to Queen Anne, mathematician,
inventor of John Bull (1667 - 1735) - portraits Table H
6. Sir John Arbuthnot of Kittybrewster, 1st Bt, politician (1912 -
1992). Table L
7. John, 16th Viscount of Arbuthnott, KT, DSC (1924 - ). Table E
8. Prof Sir John Peebles Arbuthnott - biochemist & academic (1939 -
). Table 13
9. Admiral Marriot Arbuthnot (1712 - 1794). Table B also see the bottom of this web
10. May Hill Arbuthnot (1884 - 1969). Table 2
11. Sir Robert, 1st Viscount of Arbuthnott (1617 - 1655). Table D
12. Admiral Sir Robert Arbuthnot, Bt (1864 - 1916) Table K
13. Sir William Arbuthnot of Edinburgh, 1st Bt (1776 - 1829) Table K
For further information please contact
The Hon Historian, Arbuthnott Family
who will welcome corrections, additions and constructive suggestions
Last brought up to date
23 July 2023
All contents of this site Copyright � 1997 - 2001 Sir William Arbuthnot Bt. All rights reserved.
ARBUTHNOT, ALEXANDER (1538—1583), Scottish ecclesiastic I poet, educated at St Andrews and Bourges, was in 1569 elected principal of King’s College, Aberdeen, which office he retained until his death. He played an active part in the stirring irch politics of the period, and was twice moderator of the kirk, I a member of the commission of inquiry into the condition the university of St Andrews (1583). The “ correctness ‘ his attitude on all public questions won for him the commendation of Catholic ‘writers; he is not included in Nicol rile’s list of” periurit apostatis “; but his policy and influence were misliked by James VI., who, when the Assembly had elected Arbuthnot to the charge of the church of St Andrews, ordered him to return to his duties at King’s College. He had been for some time minister of Arbuthnott in Kincardineshire. His ant works are (a) three poems, “The Praises of Wemen” (4 lines), “On Luve” (10 lines), and “The Miseries of a Pure lolar” (189 lines), and (b) a Latin account of the Arbuthnot oily, Originis et Incrementi Arbuthnoticae Familiae Descriptio Aorica (still in MS.), of which an English continuation, by the her of Dr John Arbuthnot, is preserved in the Advocates’ Library, Edinburgh. The praise of the fair sex in the first sm is exceptional in the literature of his age; and its geniality y____ help us to understand the author’s popularity with his contemporaries. Arbuthnot must not be confused with his contemporary and namesake, the Edinburgh printer, who produced first edition of Buchanan’s History of Scotland in 1582. ___ ase have discovered in the publication of this work a false clue James’s resentment against the principal of King’s College, Spottiswood, and other Church historians, and in Scott’s Fasti, Ecclesiae Scoticanae. The poems are printed in Pinkerton’s Ancient Scottish Poems (f786), i. pp. 138-i55. Source: ir Encyclopaedia of 1911
Biography of Admiral Mariott Arbuthnott
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Active Date: 1751 Place of Birth: Weymouth Death: London Marriot Arbuthnot,1711?-1794, admiral, was a native of Weymouth. About his birth, parentage, and early years, nothing is certainly known. It has been supposed that he was related to Dr. John Arbuthnot, but apparently on no stronger grounds than the similarity of name; and the fact that up to 1763 he always wrote it Arbuthnott, as the family of Viscount Arbuthnott still does, may perhaps suggest a nearer connection with that stem. He did not attain the rank of lieutenant till 1739, when he was twenty-eight years of age. In 1746 he was made a commander, and in 1747 a captain. In 1759 he commanded the Portland, one of the ships employed under Commodore Robert Duff in the blockade of Quiberon Bay, and was present at the total defeat of the French on 20 Nov. From 1771 to 1773 he commanded the guardship at Portsmouth, and in 1775 was appointed commissioner of the navy at Halifax; but he was recalled in January 1778 on his advancement to flag rank. |
He reached home in September, and in the following spring, after sitting as a member of
the court-martial on Admiral Keppel, he was appointed to the command of the North American
station, for which he sailed in the Europe of 64 guns on 1 May. He reached New York on 25
August. Here he remained through the autumn and winter, for some time expecting the attack
of the Count d'Estaing, which however broke without much harm on Savannah. Afterwards, in
concert with Sir Henry Clinton, he undertook the expedition against Charlestown, which
surrendered without further resistance, when the passage into the harbour had been forced
by the fleet. On 10 July 2023 a squadron of seven ships of the line and four heavy
frigates, with a body of 6,000 soldiers newly arrived from France, captured Rhode Island,
and Arbuthnot, reinforced at the same time and with a squadron now numbering nine ships of
the line, took up his station in Gardiner's Bay at the north end of Long Island, whence he
could keep watch on the enemy. He was still here at the latter end of September, when he
unexpectedly received a letter from Sir George Rodney, acquainting him that he had arrived
at Sandy Hook and taken on himself the command of the station. Sir George was at this time
the commander-in-chief at the Leeward Islands, and having reason to believe that the Count
de Guichen, the French admiral, had brought his fleet on to the coast of North America,
had also come with ten ships of the line. Arbuthnot resented this supersession, and
expressed himself upon it with much temper and insolence. Rodney submitted the whole
matter to the admiralty. The admiralty approved Rodney's view, and Arbuthnot, nettled by
the implied censure, requested, on the plea of ill-health, that he might be relieved from
the command which had again devolved on him, since Rodney had gone back to the West Indies
as soon as he knew that Guichen had certainly returned to France. Through the first two
months of 1781 the French and English squadrons lay opposed to each other at Rhode Island
and Gardiner's Bay. It was only with the beginning of March that Charles-Ren�-Dominique
Sochet, Chevalier des Touches, the French senior officer, was persuaded by Washington to
attempt a movement against the English positions at the mouth of the Chesapeake. The time
was well chosen, for one of the English ships had been wrecked a few weeks before, and
another dismasted [see Affleck, Edmund]. Arbuthnot, however, got to sea very shortly after
Destouches, and on the morning of 16 March, being then some forty miles to the eastward of
Cape Henry, the French squadron was sighted to the north-east. It was now to leeward; but
as Arbuthnot steered towards it the wind gradually drew round from west to north-east.
Throughout the forenoon he endeavoured to get to windward of the enemy, and about 1.30
p.m. Destouches, finding that he was losing ground and apprehensive of having his rear
doubled on, gave up the weather-gauge, and running down to leeward formed his line on the
starboard tack. As the English squadron, on the opposite tack, was now nearly abreast and
to windward of the enemy, Arbuthnot began to wear in succession; and the three leading
ships, opposed to the enemy's van, found themselves engaged by the whole enemy's line
before the rest of their squadron could support them. In this way these three ships were
dismantled; whilst the enemy, passing by them and wearing in succession, reformed their
line on the larboard tack and waited for a renewal of the action. But this was out of the
power of the English to attempt; for of their eight ships three were disabled, and all
that could be done was to make for the Chesapeake and, anchoring in Lynnhaven Bay, prevent
any operations the French might have in view. But these, on their part, had also suffered
severely, and were unable to attempt anything further. Their expedition had miscarried,
and they returned to Rhode Island, where they anchored on the 30th. A fortnight later the
English took up their old position in Gardiner's Bay, and Arbuthnot, having received
permission to return home, surrendered the command to Rear-Admiral Graves, and sailed for
England on 4 July. He had no further employment at sea, but, advancing in rank by
seniority, was, on 1 Feb. 1793, promoted to be admiral of the blue. He died in London on
31 Jan. 1794 at the age of 83.Admiral Arbuthnot may be considered as, in some respects, a
late survival of the class of officer described under the name of Flip or Trunnion. That
he was ignorant of the discipline of his profession was proved by his altercation with Sir
George Rodney; that he was destitute of even a rudimentary knowledge of naval tactics was
shown by his absurd conduct of the action off Cape Henry; and for the rest he appears in
contemporary stories (cf. Morning Chronicle, 18 May 2024) as a coarse, blustering,
foul-mouthed bully, and in history as a sample of the extremity to which the
maladministration of Lord Sandwich had reduced the navy.
Charnock's Biographia Navalis, vi. 1;
Ralfe's Naval Biography, i. 129;
Beatson's Naval and Military Memoirs;
Mundy's Life of Lord Rodney;
Official Letters and Documents in the Record Office.